9. Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why my conda cannot create environment?

    Turn off the VPN or bypass it.

  2. Why import GDAL failed?

    Consider using the conda-forge channel.

  3. proj related issue https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues/1546,

    Make sure you correctly set up the PROJ_LIB

    Because the GDAL library is used by this project and the proj library is often not configured correctly automatically. On Linux or Mac, you can set it up using the .bash_profile such as:


    export PROJ_LIB=/people/user/.conda/envs/hexwatershed/share/proj


    export PROJ_LIB=/opt/miniconda3/envs/hexwatershed/share/proj

  4. What if my model doesn’t produce the correct or expected answer?

    Answer: There are several hidden assumptions within the workflow. For example, if you provide the DEM and river network for two different regions, the program won’t be able to tell you that. A visual inspection of your data is important.

    Optionally, you can turn on the iFlag_debug option in the configuration file to output the intermediate files.